Meet the Doctor

Advanced Chiropractic

Meet the doctor coming soon image

Dr Tollefson

Dr. Tollefson grew up in southern Minnesota where he earned his Doctor of

Chiropractic degree at Northwestern Health Services University. He

practiced for 10 years in Alexandria, Minnesota before moving to Tennessee

in the year 2000, after falling in love with the beauty of the people, the

mountains, and mild weather.

He has enjoyed a successful practice in Dandridge for the past 24 years,

getting to know his awesome patients and their families. He appreciates

the challenge to better manage chronic cases and improve the quality of

life for all his patients.

Besides spending time with his family, Dr. Tollefson enjoys hiking the

mountains, cycling, fishing, and restoring classic cars. He is proud to

offer a freedom lifestyle with the Pro Technology services available to

those who call East Tennessee home.

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